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Ostarine MK-2866 is quite mild, so stacking it with one other SARM should present no testosterone problems. If you like to stack with another SARM, SARM 2, MK-5, IIS, or any other amphetamine, it should give you a good night's sleep and no more testosterone problems. You also need: 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda or soda ash for every gram of cocaine used for it 100mcg methyldopa (I have used this) 10-15mg of DMT 1-2g of caffeine for every gram of cocaine used for it 2-4-5 doses of methyldopa 1g of 2-Pentyl-2-Pentanone (or 2 pills) 1-2-3 grams each of MDMA, ketamine, and DMT Note: 1-2-3 grams is an approximate amount to get a full 1hr+ dream from using this, as there is some amphetamines present to keep you awake for 1hr+ long enough to get the DMT. The rest of the amphetamines I've used are in the 3-4-5 gram range, where the DMT gives you enough energy to stay in one spot for long enough for the DMT to kick in. You can get them via the US mail as well as in China. There are several variations of the recipe, some of which I did for my first few trips, and I've tried others that I've found to work well for some people and not so well for others. I haven't followed the recipes exactly and have found this one to be good for most people. I have heard of others making it differently but I can not confirm. You can test with an Alpha 1.5 (I had one that was quite strong and I still didn't see any DMT at all when taking it. Not much of a problem I guess, but if you have a 1.6 be sure to test to see if there is a DMT presence) and if there is, check that you aren't missing the DMT for a long enough time that the effects don't take. Also, as with most substances, it's possible to get a higher potency of 3 or so grams at a time so always do your research. There are other ingredients that might cause you trouble, such as alcohol, which can raise blood circulation and affect body chemistry, or other chemicals that cause you to trip and then wake up. I have not personally experienced any of Similar articles: